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Showing posts from January, 2012
Microsoft begins Office 15 technical preview, fills up before you knew it existed
Motorola DROID RAZR MAXX with awesome battery life.. Have a plan to buy one? Go through the review..
Sprint Galaxy Nexus registration page gets served up by Google
IBM builds 9 nanometer carbon nanotube transistor, puts silicon on notice
Google tells Android devs to kick the menu button to the curb, seriously you guys
Motorola announces Q4 2011 earnings: $3.4 billion revenue, $80 million net loss
MegaUpload substitutes show spikes in traffic since shutdown
Western Digital MyBook Thunderbolt Duo eyes-on at Macworld 2012 (video)
Samsung 2011 Q4 earnings official: $42 billion in sales, $4.7 billion operating profit
KDE 4.8 released, wants to sashay its way into your computer
Google strikes deal to bring 27,000 Chromebooks to US schools in three states
Google’s Broken Promise: The End of "Don’t Be Evil"